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Problem implementing Arria 10 Xillybus

by Guest

I tried to compile the Arria 10 demo on Quartus Prime Pro but if failed on this error:

Code: Select all
Error(16045): Instance "xillybus_ins|xillybus_core_ins" instantiates undefined entity "xillybus_core"
Error(16185): Can't elaborate user hierarchy "xillybus_ins|xillybus_core_ins"

But I can see that xillybus_core.qxp is listed in the project's file list! What is going on?

I use Version 16.0.2 Build 222 07/20/2016 SJ Pro Edition on Linux.

Re: Problem implementing Arria 10 Xillybus

by support

Unfortunately, current Quartus Prime Pro editions can't be used to implement designs including the Xillybus IP core (but other editions, e.g. Quartus Prime Standard and Quartus Prime Lite are fine).

The problem is that the Xillybus IP core is packed as a netlist in QXP format. The new Spectra-Q synthesizer (which is what makes the "Pro" in Quartus Prime Pro) ignores QXP files silently (as of Q15 and Q16) even if they're part of the project, and then complains that it can't find the module the QXP file supplies. It has been confirmed with Altera's support that Pro editions don't support QXP files, which is the primary (if not only) way to convey netlists.

Since the license for the Pro edition includes a license for the Standard edition (which also covers Arria 10), I suggest working with the Standard edition instead, until Altera resolves this issue with QXP files.
