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streaming big file from xillynux to FPGA

by Guest

I´m running the xillynux demo in the zedboard and I want to stream to the 32 bits Bus a big data file (about 100MB of data).

Now I´m able to send the data and see the output in hardware analyzer but the output streaming is stopping during transmision several times.

I changed the fifo32 length to 32k to increase buffer size and the read freq is 9.14 Msps (so the trougthput is 36.5MB/s!!).

I suppose the reading process in disk is the problem because when the transmision is active the xillinux is capable of fill the data faster than reading in fifo but after some time the stream stops and the fifo gets empty before the new data arrives from xillynux.

The question is:

There is some workarround or speedup to achieve this trougthput speeds reading data from files or another data source?.


Re: streaming big file from xillynux to FPGA

by support

First, I suggest taking a look at this:

Odds are that the disk (SD card) slows you down. You may work that around by reading the data into RAM before the transmission begins, and then send the data from RAM. It can be a large buffer allocated with malloc() in a program, or you can copy the file into a tmpfs file system. Whatever makes more sense to you.
