hdmi controller - xapp1078 or xillinux only?

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Re: hdmi controller - xapp1078 or xillinux only?

Post by support »


It's not clear to me why you want to go that path. Have you checked what slows you down? Is it really the communication with the hardware? What data rate are we looking at?

There are very few practical situations for which AMP is really required, but if you want to go with xapp1078, Xillinux is just like any Linux. I've never tried it myself, but setting maxcpus=1 and changing the memory attribute in the device tree will most likely keep Linux off the second processor and leave some RAM space untouched.

As for the bare-metal application, I suppose whatever xapp1078 says applies the same.

But before going this way, I really suggest checking where your bottleneck is. For example, run "top" with your application running. What CPU percentages do you have there? How much idle percentage do you have? If you have 100% CPU on the working process, but 50% idle, for example, the solution is a dual-processing or dual-threading division of the task. Much easier.


hdmi controller - xapp1078 or xillinux only?

Post by Guest »


I'm a newbie to using zedboard. So far I successfully ran Xillinux on zedboard, hooked up my xbox kinect using OpenKinect libraries and streamed the video.
Of course the problem is that it is really slow and I can't imagine how slow it will be if I start adding video processing logic to it.

So my solution to this was instead of streaming within Xillinux, I wanted to send the video data to HDMI.
I went over the tutorial on how to set up hdmi controller on embedded platform: http://esca.korea.ac.kr/teaching/com509 ... 140325.pdf

My concern is that the hdmi controller seems to work in embedded platform only.

So here are the two solutions I came up with :
1. Figure out a way to use hdmi controller on xillinux
2. Figure out a way to use xapp1078 to have xillinux on one core to get data from xbox kinect and leave other core as bare metal so that it can control the hdmi

I do not know how to do them. If anyone has done them or know how to go about solving this I would really really appreciate it.
Jay C

