Correct use of IP factory

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Re: Correct use of IP factory

Post by Guest »

Hello Eli,
I just double-checked it on the IP Core Factory. Its target device family is "Xilinx Zynq-7000 (ZedBoard)" not "Old Zedboard" for Xillinnux 1.1.
Thank you so much for answering the question!

Re: Correct use of IP factory

Post by support »


The missing signals are connections that go directly between the ARM processor and the chip's physical pins, with no possible intervention by the FPGA part. These connections are present whether they appear in the logic design or not. So you may safely remove these ports from the instantiation.

The more interesting question is why this happened to you at all. There is a chance that you picked the wrong target in the IP Core Factory. In particular, mixed "old Xillinux" with Xillinux-1.3 in some way. I suggest taking a closer look on this.


Correct use of IP factory

Post by Guest »

Hi Eli,
I am using Xillinux 1.3 with Vivado 2014.1 and ZedBoard. I used your IP factory to create a new upstream of 345MB/s and a new downstream of 345MB/s. After I downloaded the customized core bundle from the IP factory, I replaced the old xillybus.v, xillybus_core.v, and xillybus_core.ngc with the new ones from the bundle. Then I edited my xillydemo.v according to the template.v provided by the core bundle.
However, the instantiation of the xillybus module in template.v contains a part (line 174 to line 201) shown below:
// General signals

Most signals (especailly those staring with "DDR") above cannot be found in the xillydemo.v. This issue prevented me from using the customized XIllybus IP in my project. Could you clarify this problem

Any response would be appreciated. Thank you!

