pcie paket capture

by Guest
knowing more about PCIe protocol , I need a software in windose that capture any pcie pakets from an speciefic peripheral device
i want to send pcie packet from a xilinx fpga evalution borad to pc
Re: pcie paket capture

by support
PCIe packets are bus requests. They merely say "write this into memory address X" or "send me a packet containing the data at address Y". As far as I know, there is no "sniffing mode" in any of the existing processors, that would give you the packet's content. Rather, they execute the request.
The solution for this is a packet sniffer, but as far as I know (again), this is expensive equipment. So what most of us end up doing, is just getting it right, without actually checking the packets on the wire.
If someone knows about an affordable solution for capturing packets on the wire, please post below.