I really appreciate your site on explaining (sort of dumbing down) the PCIe. As you mentioned the Spec. is a bit overwhelming.
I am currently troubleshooting test hardware we have developed to act as a PCIe device to connect to another device (root) for testing purposes. The PCIe test device is a Northwest Logic core we have purchased on a Xilinx FPGA. In simulation my FPGA developer shows that the core is working correctly, and we know the root also works correctly with the real hardware that we are trying to emulate with our test hardware.
When I look at the various signals on the FPGA, I do see that the PHY Layer Up and Link Layer Up signals never get asserted. There appears to be an issue perhaps at the physical layer and possibly at the link layer.
What I am trying to find, is the protocol or definition of how PCIe determines 1: a Physical Layer has been established, 2: a Link Layer has been established
Any links or information you could provide on that would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you