Changing PCIe lane locations from the default

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Changing PCIe lane locations from the default

Postby mwayne »


I made a daughter card and was unable to keep the lane locations set to what the tool recommended.

I found the pcie core generated .xdc file pcie_k7_xl-PCIE_X0Y0.xdc and therein are the following constraints.

# PCIe Lane 0
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y7 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[0].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 1
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y6 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[1].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 2
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y5 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[2].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 3
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y4 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[3].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 4
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[4].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 5
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[5].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 6
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[6].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 7
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[7].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]

Is changing lanes as simple as modifying the X0Y#'s here (in the auto generated XDC)? I would need that code to read

# PCIe Lane 0
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y3 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[0].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 1
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y2 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[1].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 2
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y1 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[2].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 3
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y0 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[3].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 4
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y7 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[4].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 5
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y6 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[5].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 6
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y5 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[6].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]
# PCIe Lane 7
set_property LOC GTXE2_CHANNEL_X0Y4 [get_cells {inst/gt_top_i/pipe_wrapper_i/pipe_lane[7].gt_wrapper_i/gtx_channel.gtxe2_channel_i}]

Or is there some better way to do this?


Posts: 16

Re: Changing PCIe lane locations from the default

Postby support »


When it comes to placement constraints, the simple rule is that if you managed to get the pinout like you wanted, consider it done.

And the edit you suggested seems fine to me. Alternatively, you could constrain with pin positions of the toplevel signals, but since you've already there, you might as well do it that way.

The only thing to watch out for is that the constraint file is automatically generated, meaning that the tools can overwrite it if you re-generate the core, and maybe on other occasions.

And I didn't say a word about whether swapping positions like this is going to cause trouble or not, but I can only say that I would do that only if there was absolutely no other way out. Vias on lanes' PCB traces is something I would prefer over this. For example, I've heard about failure to enumerate the bus when the lane width is less than full, when the lanes are placed in reverse order (a common mistake). Which isn't your case, but it's just an example of a seemingly unrelated obstacle.

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