I have a working XL core, Gen2 and x8 lanes. It currently runs on a XC7K160T-3 speed grade FPGA.
I need to adapt to a XC7K160T-1 speed grade FPGA. I have two options, keep x8 lanes and move to Gen1, or keep Gen2 and go to x4 lanes. (pg054, table 2-4).
Two questions.
1. First, is the XL core compatible with these changes? Or should I be sticking with the initial Rev A core?
2. I'm having a bit of trouble doing this when attempting to stay at x8 lane and move to Gen2. I'm following the steps outlined in Section 4.5 of the Getting Started with the FPGA demo bundle for Xilinx, but so far I'm not meeting timing. Is it easier to change the link speed, or to change the lane numbers?
Thank you