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Critical warning with block design

by Guest
Hey there,

I run Xillybus for Ultrascale+ with block design and get this critical warning:

[filemgmt 20-1440] File 'blockdesign/blockdesign/ip/core/xillybus_core.edf' already exists in the project as a part of sub-design file 'blockdesign/blockdesign/ip/blockdesign_xillybus_bundled_0_0/blockdesign_xillybus_bundled_0_0.xci'. Explicitly adding the file outside the scope of the sub-design can lead to unintended behaviors and is not recommended.

What to do?

Re: Critical warning with block design

by support

This warning can be ignored safely. The issue is with the EDIF file which is included in the Xillybus block design component, however this doesn't cause any confusions if the replacement of the block design with a custom one (from the IP Core Factory) is done according to the instructions.


Re: Critical warning with block design

by Litchford
Hi Eli, is there a fix for this warning so that it stops showing up? I'd like to get rid of it even if it's safe to ignore.

Re: Critical warning with block design

by support

Vivado allows demoting critical warnings into messages with lower level. This can be done with GUI, or with set_msg_config -new_severity Tcl commands.

This issue will be fixed on the next update of bundles. The said critical warning appeared on relatively recent versions of Vivado.
