Hi, everyone, I want to implement Xillybus on Zynq Ultrascale+ for transfering data between PL and PS.
I checked the content in http://www.xillybus.com/downloads/xillybus_product_brief.pdf, founded that Xillybus do support Zynq Ultrascale+ and AXI bus. So, literally, it certainly can fullfill the duties.
My questions are:
1. In ipfactory, "Target device family" item only includes Zynq7000 series. How to create an Xillybus IP core to support Zynq Ultrascale+ device?
2. How to connect xillybus IP to Zynq PS?
3. Is it possible to use xillybus in non-Xillinux distribution, i.e., one created by Petalinux? If so, should I write custom device-tree file and how can I do that?
Best regards.