out-of-tree driver vs in-kernel Linux driver

Questions and discussions about the Xillybus IP core and drivers

out-of-tree driver vs in-kernel Linux driver

Postby Guest »

It seems to me that the out-of-tree driver at https://xillybus.com/downloads/xillybus.tar.gz is being regularly updated, but also includes special handling to work across multiple kernel versions. What is the cadence of updates of the out-of-tree driver versus the in-kernel driver (e.g. https://github.com/torvalds/linux/tree/ ... r/xillybus)? Are previous versions of the out-of-tree driver accessible anywhere?


Re: out-of-tree driver vs in-kernel Linux driver

Postby support »


There have not been any functional changes in the in-kernel driver since v4.6. This last change was fixing a minor bug that occurred due to manipulations for the sake of meeting Linux' coding style requirements. The changes that have been made since are related to coding style and changing API.

As for the out-of-tree driver, there has be no functional differences since it was released. It is nevertheless under constant development in an attempt to compile against a large span of kernel versions.

I therefore suggest to make the choice based upon convenience.

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