I am new to xillibus, using a ZedBoard. And I have some things that aren't clear, that I would be glad if you can help me.
I have installed the xillinux, but i can not understand how do I control the GPIO of the linux distribution and the FPGA.
Should I implement the VHDL design (the design at the site called boot partition kit) using the ISE/Vivado (because when I try to do so, it failed)? If I'm changing the design (the main VHDL code, to do any operations) , Do I need to change any file in the SD card? how do I call the program?
Can I use any design and just add the FIFO components? or if I am just trying to implement any other design would it be an issue when the xillinux already installed?
Is there a way to access the GPIO directly from xilliunx?