xillybus_read_8 file is not found in /dev/

Questions and discussions about the Xillybus IP core and drivers

xillybus_read_8 file is not found in /dev/

Postby sgu »

I got a similar error like this post: http://forum.xillybus.com/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=405

It shows Memory Controller: Xilinx Corporation Device 7028. I created the bitstream and programmed the device again, but still the same information. Can you give me some help?
Posts: 1

Re: xillybus_read_8 file is not found in /dev/

Postby support »


Assuming that you're implementing a Xillybus bundle and got product ID 0x7028, it sounds like you made some changes in Xilinx' PCIe block, and accidentally changed the product ID along with that.

Please refer to section 4.5 of the Getting started with the FPGA demo bundle for Xilinx. Checking for unwanted changes is one of the things mentioned there:

http://xillybus.com/downloads/doc/xilly ... xilinx.pdf

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